Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Personal Bios - Kimberly Anderson

Hello. My name is Kimberly. I am a transplant to sunny Austin from the great state of Pennsylvania. Go Steelers! I love football, both college and professional. I have one child and three dogs. I am a licensed massage therapist. When I have some free time, I like to be outside as much as the heat allows. The winters and spring here are the best! I love to kayak and hike. I also just went tubing on the Comal River for the first time this past weekend. I can check that off the list. It was fun, but the content of the water is always at the back of my mind.

I am finishing up my first undergrad in business management at the end of this course. I am so excited to finally complete another chapter in life and see what the future holds. I hope to take the fall to look into my job options and do some interviews to find a position that is right for me. I also will be applying to master’s programs. In addition, I hope to start volunteering with the literacy council. If I’m feeling frisky, I may even join the PTA. J Here’s hoping for a great six weeks!


  1. Howdy Kimberlie, I love Pennsylvania, my best friend is from there and he took me turkey hunting a few years back. Beautiful country. Good luck on avoiding the heat! Nice to "meet" you, see you around the class room!

  2. Hi Kimberly! I'm a transplant too, but from the opposite coast. My husband and I both grew-up in California but fell in love with Austin 10 years ago when we moved here. I also have one child and I'm finishing up my first undergrad. Sounds like we have a lot in common :) I hope the next six weeks fly by for you!

  3. Hi Kimberly, this is my final class too before I receive my first undergrad. I bet you are just excited as I am. Can you believe we finally made it?

  4. Hi Kimberly,

    Yeah, I grew up on the Comal and Guadalupe Rivers, and you probably don't want to think about the river content. Ever, much less after all the flooding this past spring. :-)
